Wednesday, 17 October 2007


By Jon Burgerman


The complexity of this image is quite enaging with the eye.Theres so much going on with in the piece is difficult to tell whats going on.

The quirky characters create this entertwined, complex image that is enhanced with colour. Each character seems to have its own identity which is reflected throughout the image.

For The Love Of God

By Damien Hirst

'For the love of god.'

This piece creates controversy on so may levels but doesn't it just make it so much better?!!??

The contrast of both death and wealth creates this dramatic statement within the piece.Therefore making the object more desirable.


Image by Adapter


As quoted by adapter:
'We design like we draw a picture. We mix the elements of illustration, photography and typography and try not to limit our expression by having no particular stlye.'

This image is a visual overload.There is so much going on in the image theres a sense of death with the appearance of skulls. Theres a giant diamond does this symbols wealth??
Music is also highlighted.The piece screams energy and gains the attention of the eye.


Image by Ralph Schrai-Vogel

'Cinemafrica 2004'

The monocromatic tone within this image creates quite a demanding visual approach.As the typography is quite eyecatching as there is alot goin on in the image.

Its almost quite demanding on the eye as it content is hidden beneath this visual text overload.Yet the message it is portraying is visable if studied closely.

It also creates the sense of a photomontage approach with the mixture of both text and image carefully arranged on the page.Therefore the layout of the piece is quite complex.

Stop Screaming

Photo by Shane Nash

'Stop screaming' 2004
Verbal abuse campaign

The simple use of dog muzzles creates this sense of danger thats associated with the behaviour of the animal it is used on.

As a dog muzzle is used to protect others from harm therefore it creates this sense of protection.As the image clearly depicts that verbal abuse is harmful and you need protection from it.

The facial expressions also help to put across this sense of anger and rage associated with verbal abuse; it reinforces the message it is portraying.

The most important issue thats being addressed in this photo is the great contrast between the behaviour of animals and humans.